Awakening Worth in Childless Women

53: Not All Childless Women's Groups Are Healing

Sheri Johnson Season 2 Episode 53

Send me a text and tell me what you're struggling with the most!

One of the benefits of social media apps is the ability they have to gather like-minded people.  It's easy to find them, follow them and join their groups.  It's hard to imagine life without social media groups and followings now, but even just a few years ago, they weren't so prevalent.

And now, you have your pick, but not all are healing spaces.  In this episode, I break down the differences between truly healing women's circles and those that masquerade as helpful.  I'll share exactly why and how to identify a group that is really going to benefit you.
Find out your worthiness score!

Where to find Sheri:
Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching

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