Awakening Worth in Childless Women

124: How to Manifest Your Best Life in 2025

Sheri Johnson Season 3 Episode 124

Are you making this mistake that could be stopping you from experiencing your best life?

Many people walk around on autopilot, thinking about the past or the future instead of being present. They make the mistake of operating on autopilot and following routines, without asking themselves what they really want to experience or how they want to feel.

If this is you, you're not manifesting your best life.

Manifesting a great, purposeful life requires getting intentional about what's ahead of you, whether that's your day, your week, or your year.

Living intentionally actually begins with reflecting back; noticing with gratitude what you have manifested, what you want more of, and how that felt. It also allows you to acknowledge what you've been through.

Then, you need to intentionally call in how you want to feel and what you want to experience, so that you create your life instead of allowing it to happen to you.

This episode gives you some simple steps to manifest the life you desire.

If you're ready to stop waiting for a great life to show up and want to manifest your best year with me, join the Manifest Your Best Year in 2025 mini-program here.

Where to find Sheri:
Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching

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