Awakening Worth in Childless Women

133: Are Guilt and Self-Sabotage Keeping You From Being Happy as a Childless Woman?

Season 3 Episode 133

Why do we hold ourselves back from the lives we truly want? And more
importantly, how do we break free from this cycle?

Today, we are talking about something that quietly but powerfully shapes the
way we live—guilt. 

This emotion affects childless women in unique ways. And sometimes, it turns into self-sabotage. 

In this episode, I'm going to help you:

  • Identify any guilt you might be harbouring, knowingly or unknowingly
  • Discover how it might be leading you to unwittingly self-sabotage joy and happiness in your life.
  • Understand some common ways that self-sabotage shows up for childless women like overcompensating. For example, Some childless women over-give in relationships, almost as if trying to justify their worth without kids. 
  • And finally, to release this guilt and embrace the joy in your life.

Listen in to start releasing the guilt you're carrying underneath it all, and start embracing your childless life joyfully. 


Money, A Love Story by Kate Northrup

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Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching

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