Awakening Worth in Childless Women

135: How to Make the Agonizing Decision to Stop Trying

Season 3 Episode 135

If you wanted to have kids and you're here now, at some point you have to or had to make a very tough decision. 

What I’ve found is that it doesn’t matter whether you’re single, partnered, tried IVF, on the adoption route, never tried anything – we all are faced with a decision at some point. If you end up on the childless path, at some point, you decide to stop trying.

On today’s episode, I talk about the decision, the process, and what happens after you make it, so that you can feel more confident in your choice and recover emotionally after you've made it.

We're going to talk about 

- the agonizing process of figuring out what to do

- some critical mistakes you might be making in an effort to make a choice

- the counterintuitive mindset shift to finally get to a decision

This conversation is going to help you find peace with your decision, if you're in it or you already made it, freedom from regret, and wholeness beyond motherhood.

Where to find Sheri:
Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching

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